Posts tagged Deron McBee
VMI 1.05: You Think You Know Somebody transcript

HZ: They leave the diner. It's still dark. They're still bantering about girls and - oh shit. Where's the car? Where's the car?
JOY: Where is the car? The car is gone as hell. 
HZ: But what is amazing about this is that Logan says:

LOGAN: Well maybe it's like Brigadoon. If you come back in a hundred years, it'll be right back in this spot.

HZ: When did Logan watch the 1954 film or 1947 Broadway musical Brigadoon, about a Scottish village that only appears for one day every hundred years and the plot makes absolutely no sense at all? This seems like a deep cut.
JOY: That's what Brigadoon is about?
HZ: That's what Brigadoon is about. I would explain more but it's just too complicated. So yeah, where did Logan get that reference? Do you think you watched it with his grandma?
JOY: This is a mystery. This is yet another mystery of the show. 
HZ: And of Logan.
JOY: It doesn't really line up with his deal. 
HZ: He contains multitudes.

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