Posts tagged Sean
VMI 1.21 A Trip to the Dentist


  • Veronica finds a lot of different versions of events when she investigates what happened to her on the night of Shelly Pomroy’s party;

  • Keith finds Duncan in Cuba;

  • Duncan finds out that Logan and Veronica are a couple;

  • We find that a beard does not suit Duncan;

  • And Veronica finds hidden cameras in Logan’s poolhouse - and for once, it wasn’t even her who put them there!

Join Jenny Owen Youngs and Helen Zaltzman to investigate Veronica Mars Season 1 Episode 21: A Trip to the Dentist, and consider such mysteries as why all the single-episode Bro9ers are reunited in this episode, how Marses are able to appear behind things without anyone noticing, and what the - what IS that on Duncan’s face???

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VMI 1.10: An Echolls Family Christmas


  • It’s the most wonderful time of the year - you know, when you get stabbed at your own Christmas party.

  • It’s also poker night at Logan’s - but where is all the money?

  • We meet a new BroNiner, we think - but is everything as it seems?

  • And someone AT LAST calls out Logan’s racist jokes. Merry Christmas everyone.

Join Jenny Owen Youngs and Helen Zaltzman to investigate Veronica Mars Season 1 Episode 10: An Echolls Family Christmas, and get stuck into such mysteries as: what the heck is happening in this poker game? How much is a Fabergé egg these days? And how/why are Duncan and Logan wearing matching festive underwear??

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